Media - glass making
- For making a glass bead i first got a piece of glass and heated it up using a torch
- I gathered a ball of hot, molten glass and then took the mandrel and spun the ball of hot glass onto the mandrel after it was heated up keeping both the glass and mandrel in the hottest part of the flam
- While doing this you have to keep the mandrel and the glass slowly rotating to create and even amount of glass
- Once the glass is on the mandrel you continue to rotate the mandrel then i took another colored piece of glass and heated it up keeping the mandrel turning
- I then added the other color of glass onto the glass on the mandrel spinning the mandrel to allow the glass to flow on
- I then kept heating the mandrel and kept it in the hottest part of the flame evening the bead out
- Also throughout this process my arm remained horizontal so the bead was not uneven
- Once i was finished i took the mandrel out of the flame keeping it rotating and buried it in rice to let it cool
Materials - Mandrel, long pieces of glass, oxygen gas, glasses, torch