Friday, August 30, 2013

figurative proportions

Principal of design: Figurative proportions

- This shows figures drawn to proportion using paint and modeling paint around the figures to add effects

Dimensions - 18 by 24 inch.

Materials - Acrylic paint, modeling paste, and charcoal

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

text in art photoshop

Principal of design: text in art photoshop/ Repetition

Materials: photoshop

- I used photoshop to show repetition using my names in various sizes and fonts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Gradation acrylic on paper

Principal of design: Gradation

- shows transition from a darker to lighter color or pattern
- uses different sized strips to show the pattern and colors transitioning into each other

Dimensions - 18 by 24 inch.

Materials - black matt board, gradation paintings, acrylic paint